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Debt Counselling
RC Smith and Associates assists with Debt Review Applications on behalf of debt counsellors. We offer this service nationwide through a network of carefully selected correspondent attorneys.
What is debt counselling?
The National Credit Act implemented debt counselling as a means of helping consumers who are facing financial difficulties due to excessive debt. The objective of debt counselling is to rearrange debt and create a repayment plan that is approved by creditors or deemed fair by the court based on the situation.
Why debt counselling?
The levels of debt that households in South Africa have reached are exceptionally high. The combination of the economic conditions and the irresponsible extension of credit often result in consumers accumulating a significantly higher amount of debt than they can afford to repay. A large percentage of individuals' monthly income is utilised to pay off debt, with little funds left for living expenses.

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Talk to Us Directly

Ralph Smith
Phone: 021 202 5965
Cell: 083 537 9310

Mari Botma
Phone: 021 202 5965
Cell: 084 987 5224